How To Get Reliance Jio Sim : If You are on this page, It is certainly not a co-incidence. Let me guess few things about you, that you are an Indian who is always looking for free net-packs and voice calls, and You googled one of these queries on the internet.
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Reliance Jio Sim Card
Am I right? Yes I am. Well, we all Indians are same, understand each-other in better way. We love things which come with word “Free”. After the Announcement of Reliance jio sim, there is an excitement in all of us while resentment in other telecom companies.
The Reliance has announced the cheapest 4G rates in India, with unlimited local and std voice calls. Starting From 5th Sep, ‘Jio welcome offer’ will provide free Jio services till the end of 2016. Cool thing about Reliance Jio is that Students would avail an additional 25% data on main tariffs. Reliance Jio connections were actually limited to Lyf smartphones at the starting when the service was first launched for consumers, but has since expanded to most devices available in India.
Reliance Jio Sim / Launch Jio Sim Card Price / How to buy Reliance Jio Sim
***** “The Jio SIM cards are completely free. And available from September 5. Don’t pay any price to any dealer to get the Jio SIM Card. “Jio’s Data, Voice, Video and the full bouquet of Jio applications and content would be available for EVERYONE absolutely FREE, till 31st December 2016,” says Ambani.”*****
There are lot of confusions about how to buy reliance jio sim card. Some are saying get referral from Reliance company employees, It sounds really funny isn’t it. Whether others are suggesting to buy wifi hotspot to get free jio sim. And Right Now I came across scam which asks you to download some app and refer to your friend and you would get reliance jio sim in 5 days. So Let me warn you, these all things are not going to work.
Best Way to Get Jio Sim is to visit your nearest Reliance Store. Watch This Video that would help you out.
How To Get Reliance Jio Sim in a Day
Follow these steps…..
- Go to Google and Search for the Nearest Reliance Stores (Reliance Digital, Reliance Express, Reliance Jio).
- Then Do Some Ground Work, You have to visit all the stores individually to confirm the availability of the Jio Sim Cards.
- Don’t Forget to bring a valid photo ID(preferably Adhaar Card) along with passport size photographs at a Reliance Digital store.
- Keep in mind that the passport photos that you take are recent – taken in the past few months.
- The person, whose name the SIM is being purchased should be present at the dealership to sign the necessary applications, and on the photocopies of ID proofs.
The billing of Reliance Jio is done online, Receipt, you would receive in your email ID. After the formalities are done with in few hours your tele-verification be done. If you want to use voice + data then call 1977 using the Reliance Jio SIM to initiate the process. For Data Services you can dial toll free no. 1800-890-1977 from registered number. On the call you will be asked to key in your RJio number, available on the SIM pack. Next you will need to give the last four digits of the ID document submitted. Once you are done with the verification, You are all set to enjoy Reliance Jio Revolution.
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