quit smoking weed

How to quit smoking weed: 8 Easy TipsSmoking weed on social occasions is acceptable. But once someone takes a step forward and begins to take it regularly (even everyday) then it is harmful. It starts affecting your life on the whole – family, work and health. So, it is very essential to quit this addiction of weed. Firstly, let us understand why do you get hooked on Marijuana. There are several psychological and emotional reasons, of course, along with physical cravings. Weed gives you a kick. You start forgetting your fears, you get more creative, you feel confident, etc. But all this starts decreasing once you get addicted. So, it is very important you take the step right away to come out of this black hole and live a beautiful life. There are many best ways available to quit smoking weed but these tips of quitting weed gonna work best for you.

It’s not easy to quit smoking weed but here you can find ways of quitting weed without withdrawals. So these are the following things that we are going to cover in today’s article that would help you out to stop smoking weed.

  • Decide to Stop Smoking Weed
  • Being with another group (Best Way To Quit Weed)
  • Distract ease marijuana withdrawal
  • Join Yoga for best way to detox from marijuana
  • Meditate to cleanse your body of marijuana
  • Exercise cleanse body of marijuana quickly
  • Sort out your emotions (Fastest way to clean system of marijuana)
  • Be patient with quit smoking side effects

8 simple tips on how to stop smoking weed


Follow these tips to quit weed faster:

Decide to Stop Smoking Weed

This step seems to be very simple yet it’s one of the most important and primary step to give up something you are so used to. DECIDE that you want to live a life, which is clean from the smoke that is clouding your happiness. Once you decide and intend, everything will start moving.

Being with another group (Best Way To Quit Weed)

Generally, people tend to pick up such habits in groups or from friends and eventually they become smoking partners. AVOID them! Start finding people who don’t smoke at all and start spending time with them.

Distract ease marijuana withdrawal

Whenever you have the urge to smoke, make sure you are busy with, especially, something you love. Take up a hobby or a class nearby and then forget the rest.

Join Yoga for best way to detox from marijuana

Yoga is a very powerful way to change your life. Poses and asanas in Yoga will help you relieve all the symptoms that make you want to have weed. It calms your mind and helps you cope with any fears, thereby helping you quit weed.

Meditate to cleanse your body of marijuana 

Even 10 minutes of meditating helps. Focus on your breath and see what wonders it will do to your body and mind. Want to quit smoking weed effectively? Continue this 10-minute trick for a month and you will be surprised.

Exercise cleanse body of marijuana quickly

Again this sounds an extremely common advice yet it plays a very important role in giving up weed.

Sort out your emotions (Fastest way to clean system of marijuana)

More often than not, such addictions are emotional in nature and the best way to deal with their quitting is giving up all the emotional drama. Also, try to stay away from stressful situations. Try and express your anger to a friend or a counselor and clear your mind.

Be patient with quit smoking side effects

It takes more time to quit than to pick up a habit. So, don’t get frustrated or discouraged if you cannot quit within a short period of time. You need to give your body some time and move forward each day with motivation.


Quitting Marijuana/weed will take time but consistency is the key. All the best!

If you want to share your experience, let us know in the Comments.

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